Google found to have a monopoly on Search—time to diversify your paid search buys.

The search industry is at a pivotal moment. A US court has officially ruled that Google has been illegally maintaining a monopoly over Internet search.

The search industry is at a pivotal moment. A US court has officially ruled that Google has been illegally maintaining a monopoly over Internet search. This landmark decision presents a unique opportunity for search advertisers who are looking to diversify their SEM strategy as they anticipate changes to the landscape.

As CEO Leo Polanowski noted: "There's absolutely no reason brands shouldn't be running ads through Brave Search. If you're sticking with Google, you're a sheep lining up to be shorn."

Search ads on Brave perform as well as—or better than—Google Search Ads

Brave Search Ads offer brands access to an additional segment of the market not yet being reached. That’s because Brave Search is entirely independent from Google and Bing.

Watch this demo to see just how easy it is to find keyword volume based on a simple domain:

See if your website is eligible for Brave Search Ads

Today, large brands with established SEM operations in the US, Canada, France, Germany, and the UK are eligible for Brave Search Ads. But small- to medium-sized businesses—especially local businesses—will have access to Brave Search Ads in the very near future.

Check your eligibility to start a campaign and receive a free trial of up to a month to test Brave Search Ads.

The playing field is shifting, and those who act quickly will reap the rewards. Prepare for a post-Google monopoly world and get started with advertising on Brave Search today.

Brave Ads